Street Outreach
Our street outreach efforts in Rapid City, SD offer human connection as well as basic necessities (food, water, clothing, blankets, hygiene products, etc.) to our neighbors experiencing housing insecurity, behavioral or mental health instability, or personal crisis. They find those in need by foot or van during the times and in the areas they are known to congregate. Recipients include youth, adults, and families.
It is not just about what we do, but how we do it. The process of building a personal connection can play an important role in helping a person improve his or her situation. By meeting people where they are, we can build the positive relationship necessary to gain trust. Through these relationships, individuals may be able to see a different path and find the encouragement to pursue it.
Once a person becomes service-ready, our teams are there to provide the necessary referrals and links to resources and organizations most appropriate to support their needs.